Please note: This is an extract from Hansard only. Hansard extracts are reproduced with permission from the Parliament of Western Australia.

Date: Tuesday, 22 November 2005

Introduction and First Reading

Bill introduced, on motion by Dr J.M. Edwards (Minister for the Environment), and read a first time.
Explanatory memorandum presented by the minister.

Second Reading

DR J.M. EDWARDS (Maylands - Minister for the Environment) [4.43 pm]: I move -

That the bill be now read a second time.

The Swan and Canning Rivers (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2005 makes changes to legislation to support the Swan and Canning Rivers Management Bill 2005 in providing protection for one of the state’s most vital natural assets.
This bill repeals the Swan River Trust Act 1988 and revokes the Environmental Protection (Swan and Canning Rivers) Policy 1997. These statutes are no longer necessary because their functions have been included in the Swan and Canning Rivers Management Bill.

The bill provides for transitional regulations where these are necessary to clarify the relationship between the Swan and Canning Rivers Management Act and other legislation. The bill provides for the continuation of the Swan River Trust as the same legal entity as before, but provides for the appointment of a new set of members to the trust. It also ensures that existing leases within the river reserve remain in effect as though they had been made under the Swan and Canning Rivers Management Act.

This bill streamlines processes under clause 30A of the metropolitan region scheme for considering proposed development which is adjacent to, or partly within, the development control area. The Swan and Canning Rivers (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2005 amends clause 30A to provide for these development applications to be dealt with directly between the Western Australian Planning Commission and the Swan River Trust. The involvement of ministers will, in future, be required only when agreement cannot be reached. The remaining provisions of the bill deal with changes to other legislation that are necessary to ensure consistency in references to the Swan and Canning Rivers Management Act. I have much pleasure, on behalf of the state government and all Western Australians, in commending this bill to the house.

Debate adjourned, on motion by Mr G. Snook.