Please note: This is an extract from Hansard only. Hansard extracts are reproduced with permission from the Parliament of Western Australia.

Date: Thursday, 13 April 2006


Introduction and First Reading

Bill introduced, on motion by Ms A.J.G. MacTiernan (Minister for Planning and Infrastructure), and read a first time.
Explanatory memorandum presented by the minister.

Second Reading

MS A.J.G. MacTIERNAN (Armadale - Minister for Planning and Infrastructure) [10.23 am]: I move -
That the bill be now read a second time.
The purpose of this bill is to authorise the formal discontinuance of sections of railways made redundant by the construction of a new railway, as part of the Geraldton southern transport corridor, from the Port of Geraldton to the railway marshalling yard at Narngulu.
The Geraldton southern transport corridor features an east-west road/rail corridor, with the new railway providing a more efficient access to the port than was the case previously. The new dedicated haulage road to the port has reduced heavy road traffic in residential areas.

With the commissioning of the proposed new railway from Narngulu to the Port of Geraldton, the existing railway infrastructure on the foreshore, which is considered an undesirable intrusion of the city urbanscape and a restriction on the potential tourist industry in the city locality, has been removed. The removal of this infrastructure will substantially enhance the quality of the urban environment for locals and tourists alike.

It is intended that the railway land along the foreshore form part of the City of Geraldton’s foreshore beach improvements, and that the adjoining lands between Foreshore Drive and Marine Terrace be developed for mixed use residential with a civic square at each end. Other areas of railway land outside the town beach are to be set aside for parks and recreation, a future road bypass and a range of other uses, depending on the nature of adjoining development.

There is general support in the Geraldton community for these intended uses of the railway reserve proposed to be discontinued as a result of this bill. There has been consultation with the City of Geraldton, the local community, the Department for Planning and Infrastructure, Main Roads Western Australia, the Mid West Development Commission, LandCorp and the Geraldton Port Authority. In particular, I acknowledge the excellent work of the member for Geraldton in this regard.

The Heritage Council has identified two areas of the railways to be discontinued as having cultural heritage significance. Those areas are from Bluff Point to Narngulu on the Geraldton to Walkaway railway, and from Geraldton to Bluff Point on the Geraldton to Northampton railway. Negotiations between the Heritage Council and the Public Transport Authority in regard to those areas is ongoing, and the Public Transport Authority has engaged the services of a heritage consultant who is familiar with the type of heritage items under consideration.

The report on this bill by the Director General of the Department for Planning and Infrastructure has been submitted for tabling in each house, as required by section 18A of the Transport Co-ordination Act. I commend the bill to the house.

Debate adjourned, on motion by Dr S.C. Thomas.